Finding an SEO agency in New York.

New York is the perfect place to find an agency for practically anything you want, and when it comes to the word agency and you're talking about New York, Madison Avenue obviously comes to mind where there are more agencies and specifically advertising agencies than anywhere else in the web world.

Finding an SEO agency in New York is very common these days, but to find one that understands your needs and can combine your need for SEO and public relations all in one package is a daunting task.

A new type of Search Marketing agency

Welcome to the SEO New Yorker. Here at the SEO New Yorker we are well aware that the new form of communication across the web isn't just about search engine optimization and getting your website to rank at the top of the listings. It includes social media optimization press release, press release optimization, link bait, viral video marketing, video optimization for the viral video marketing, and the list goes on and on. Let's not forget that on top of everything in today's world an SEO agency has to really think about whether or not to go the traditional route for SEO, or to really start expanding its search engine marketing to broader concepts that amount to thinking outside the box.

Public relations and SEO

Your SEO agency today is basically your public relations agency. With this comes a new type of thought process, which involves not only visibility, but also connectivity directly to the customer. SEO is not about interruptive media; it is about staking your real estate claim in places where you expect your desired demographic to show up. It is quite unlike interruptive media like television commercials that run during the Super Bowl. Your SEO agency really needs to understand that when it comes to interruptive media you cannot follow those methods on the web. Hence, we have to look at the challenge from a different point of view.

The new type of SEO agency in New York embraces social media traditional search marketing and Google places along with a host of other new technologies.

The newest one on the block to pay attention to is Pinterest. Pinterest is the newest social media-marketing portal that is going to make a big impact on how users begin to see new products. It specifically targets women, and engages all types of female demographics. If an SEO agency in New York City doesn't understand that, then they really are not current and don't understand anything about how SEO is embracing the web, particularly in New York City today!


Search engine optimization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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